Join Us

Open To All

Sundowners Yacht Club is open to all who have an interest in sailing.  We seek to organise great sailing trips and activities which enable experienced sailors to develop their sailing skills and provide opportunities for beginners.  It isn’t necessary for you to have your own boat or a lot of previous experience. The main criteria are that you are enthusiastic and keen to sail and learn.

Website Registration

If you would like to sign up to our newsletter in order to receive club news and information please complete our newsletter registration form.  We are also on Meetup at and Facebook at  We welcome potential members at our regular meet ups so come along to meet us and find out more about the club.

Subscribe Here


If you would like to join us and take part in our events you will need to become a member of the club by downloading and completing our Membership Application Form

Standard membership is just £25.00 per year when paid by Direct Debit or £29.50 by other means.  Full membership details and rates and the terms and conditions for taking part in our events are available in our Constitution, Club Bylaws & Rules and Event Terms & Conditions

When you have completed the membership application form, please return it either by post to the address on the form or hand it to any of the Committee members at one of the meet ups.

The preferred and most convenient method of payment for Membership  is by Direct Debit as this reduces our administration and overhead costs. Alternatively payment can be made bu cheque or bank transfers subscription include cheque and bank transfer, details are on the membership application form.

To set up your direct debit click below.

Setup Direct Debit

If you have any questions about the club or the membership application process please contact the membership secretary, Simona Batakyte, at

Once your application has been approved, and we have received your payment, we will send you a confirmation email welcoming you to the club.  We will also send you your username and password for accessing the bookings area of the website.