Club Rally & Beach BBQ Party

Fri 22nd July – Sun 24th July 2022

With the warm weather hopefully now pushing the recent cold spell away and the pandemic finally receding it’s time to get some UK sailing in the diary.

You can’t beat a BBQ in the summer and a Beach BBQ with some sailing is even better.

So we will be leaving the Hamble and heading to the Western Solent to either Yarmouth or Newtown Creek.



This is the plan:

Friday 22nd July – Arrive at boats in the Hamble and stay overnight on board. Dinner at The Victory Pub

Saturday 23rd July – Set off after an early breakfast and sail down to the Needles – a great photo opportunity. We will return to either Yarmouth or Newtown Creek for our evening’s BBQ

Sunday 24th July – Time for a full breakfast or possibly a bit of local exploring then leave for more sailing and exploring before returning the yachts back to Hamble for a 5pm departure.

The cost of the weekend is £200 per person. 

The joining fee covers: 

The shared cost of the yacht charter.

The joining fee does not cover: 

Shared cost of diesel.
Food & Drink.
Shared cost of any mooring fees.
Any personal expenditure.



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